Crochet : Place mats and Coasters

Crochet coasters are ever so pretty and are a great stash buster. They are quick and easy to make and are a fantastic as gifts. What’s not to like?

I recently made some coasters and place mats as a thank you present; check it out:


I made a set of four using two colours; grey and a very light pink making sure that no two coasters/placemats were the same.

Crochet Patterns

For the coaster I used the pattern from Bella Coco and you can find the tutorial here. Her tutorials are really easy to follow and you can crochet along with her. Alternatively, you can watch the video, make a note of the pattern and then carry on, which is what I did.

For the placemat I used FiberFlux’s Coastal Placemat tutorial found here. You can find a link to the written pattern on the video description.

I used DK acrylic yarn which, upon reflection, was probably not such a bright idea; I should have used 100% cotton to make it heat proof. As it turns out, the recipient is going to use them in her bedroom on the bedside tables and on her dressing table.

So that turned out ok.  🙂

Thanks for stopping by!